Actively Cooled Transfer (ACT)
Cryo Transfer System for Environmentally Sensitive Samples
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The Actively Cooled Transfer (ACT) is specifically designed for transferring delicate samples under both cryogenic conditions & high vacuum or at ambient temperatures under inert atmosphere. Its unique features include a built-in cold stage and an anti-contaminator, ensuring that sample integrity is maintained during the transfer process. The ACT is equipped with a solid Magdrive transfer rod and an attached cooling dewar, offering a highly accessible and portable solution for your needs.
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Cryo Transfer System for Environmentally Sensitive Samples
Highly automated, column-mounted, gas-cooled cryo SEM preparation and cryo transfer system suitable for most makes and models of W-SEM, FE-SEM and FIB/SEM.
Sample transfer and gas cooling system for SEM, FIB-SEM, beamline and vacuum platforms
Gas cooling system for sample stage in SEM, FIB-SEM, beamline and vacuum platforms
Sample transfer system for SEM, FIB-SEM, beamline and vacuum platforms.