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Key Features

  • Gas-cooled cryo stage and anti-contaminator for rapid thermal response
  • Remote dewar for gas cooling
  • Compatible with high vacuum SEM, FIB-SEM , beamline and vacuum systems
  • Upgrade path to PP3006 CoolLok


Cryo stage for SEM, FIB-SEM, beamline and vacuum platforms.

Gas cooling system for sample stage in SEM, FIB-SEM, beamline and vacuum platforms

  • Nitrogen gas cooled cold stage and
  • anti-contaminator, ambient to -190 °C
  • Temperature stability: +/- 0.5 °C
  • Off column cooling with 24 hour run times before fills
  • Independent cooling of the cold stage and anti-contaminator
  • Specimen Shuttles
  • Specimen Stubs
  • Pressurised liquid nitrogen dewar
  • Materials
  • Electrically conductive samples
  • Beam sensitive samples

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